BCQuilter's Weblog

Archive for December 2011

I can’t believe it is almost Christmas.  And I am no where near being ready, but that’s okay.  We have decided to keep things low-key this year.

When I thought I had more energy, I started making Yo-Yo Angels.  My plan was to make lots and lots, and sell them.  But my recovery is taking longer than I expected, and so have bundled them all away for now.  Family will be in for a treat, because that is where most of them will be going.

The photos I am including are the “individual” angels.  Pins, magnets and ornaments.  I made several “collections” of ornaments for Christmas.  The skirts are the same, but other than that they are unique.



Christmas Angel Ornaments

Making the yo-yos was made easier using the Clover Yo-Yo maker.  I was able to recline and make lots and lots.  The angel assembly took a bit.  A little sewing, a little hot gluing, and even some tacky gluing.

I’ve been commissioned to make several Christmas Nativity projects for a friend.  It’s a good thing she is not in a rush, she asked for the Stocking first, which is Cross-stitch, and every space is stitched.  I have about 20 hours into it, and only about a 5″ x5″ square complete.  It looks beautiful so far, but a lot of work.  Several projects are hand-work, which gives me something to do in front of the TV.

Health Update:

My recovery is taking longer than I thought.  I saw my Urologist/Surgeon in October, to find out that I could expect at least a year recovery, why didn’t they tell me that to begin with?  I would have done things differently, but alas, what is done is done, I can now go forward with the knowledge I have.  Besides being fatigued with the odd bout of nausea I am doing fair.  My 6 month Chest-xray and Ultrasound came back clear, so I am good for another 6 months.  I realized last week, when I was going to see my doctor for the ultrasound results, that for all intents and purposes, right now, I am tumour free!  What a wonderful sensation.  I suppose I hadn’t really thought of having my kidney removed, was actually having the tumour removed.   Odd how the mind works.

The surgeon told me, that if I was tired, I was doing to much.  I stopped doing everything at home.  No household chores, no fun stuff.  All I was doing was going to work – 4 hour shifts, 3 days a week, alternating days.  When I saw my doctor, we were both concerned about my lack of progress in recovery.  I have been experiencing a fair bit of discomfort especially at night, and I really didn’t think about it.  Until the night I woke up with abdominal pain, and took another pain killer.  I slept wonderfully, and had the best day I’ve had in I don’t know how long.   I went to my doctor about 3 weeks ago with that information.  He prescribed a slow-release pain killer.  I took it for 2 nights, had some issues, and stopped taking it until I saw him last week.  I’m back on it.  Haven’t had great days yet, but I am sleeping with no pain, just wish I could sleep longer.  We have decided I should stop work for 6 weeks, to fully do nothing, and to give myself a kick-start into recovery.

With Christmas so close, it is hard to stop, and not do anything.  Everything I do, have to budget my energies around.   I’m learning, but it is a steep learning curve, I must tell you.

So with this update, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

Until the next time!


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December 2011